Ruth Graphic Design offers examples of my digital works, photography, videography, and 2D hand-drawn work. From personal photography sessions to marketing materials for a small business, creating family albums/videos or strengthening a brand name graphic arts can transform your ideas into reality, with my assistance.
Graphic Artist & Creator, Ruth
Digital Graphics
This space showcases samples of my digitally created documents and layouts designed with Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe InDesign, and Microsoft Publisher. From magazine layouts to complex photo designs, there are several samples to give you an idea of the digital services with which I could assist you or your business. Click here to view the Digital Graphics Page.

Creations Digitalized Patterns
Simply called Creations, this section is devoted to offering hand-sewn creations that are made from my patterns that have been refined with digital software. These can be original or customized designs for holidays, special occasions, or to just say Thanks! Click here to view the Creations with my Digitalized Patterns.

Lovies Hand-Sewn
Lovies are Hand-Sewn Creations provides examples of my hand-stitched crafts based on my hand-drawn patterns. One of my favorites is educational-theme stuffed animals. Adding letters and numbers to simply stuffed animal turtles, for example, is an opportunity to transform a simple stuffed animal into a learning experience. Other favorites include theme-themed Christmas ornaments and decorative pillows. Great designs start with great patterns! I can take your beginning ideas and translate them into a streamlined and non-complex pattern, making it easier for a beginner or intermediate seamstress to create their own sewn creation. Click here to view the Hand-Sewn Creations.