ART 116
Graphic Design II
Ruth Lemmon
Graphic Design II Final Portfolio
Icons/Daily Symbols
Assessment Reflection: Icons are a means of encapsulating a lot of meaning into a single thumbnail. This assessment taught me to analyze my daily activities and choose a single object to portray that action or activity. I can see how this will be very useful when assisting a company in developing website material or inter-office actions.
Vector Drawing/Digital Avatar and Reference Photo
Assessment Reflection: Vector drawings are a math-based method to develop drawings so that they may be enlarged without becoming pixelated. These drawings allow the artist to create an avatar of a person that reflects their appearance and attitude without using a photo. Avatars are also easily reproduced and eliminate the noise in the background. This avatar of my sister is recognizable as her.
Digital Still Life and Reference Photo
Assessment Reflection: Still life is almost like creating the avatar of the person but it comes with the added dimension of knowing how much or how little of the details to include in the composition so that the objects are recognizable but do not look copied. The distilling of the essence of the objects was tricky and not as straight forward for me as capturing the humanism of the avatar. Still life represents a snapshot of what life is like right now in our modern age as compared to Dutch still life from 400 years ago.
Geometric Photo Collage
Assessment Reflection: This geometric photo collage was really interesting. This taught us to look at different fine details within the photo and consider them from different perspectives. I feel the use of a landscape photo for this assignment was a strong choice and provided many dynamics within the picture to work with and created a kaleidoscope effect.
Assessment Reflection: The art form of photomontage allows us to take many small pictures and join them together to create a fuller picture of an object or scene. Each photo is of a small piece of the composition and provides an intimate amount of detail of that aspect. When joined together, these 60 pictures created an in-depth look at the nuances of this table and disc cases.
Typographic Poster Design
Assessment Reflection: Typography in a poster creates the opportunity to create feeling and motion with only the use of a variety of colors and typefaces. The theme, My Yellowstone Adventures, stands out through its darker color, boldface, and position at the top of the composition. A hierarchy is created through the size of the typeface, the directionality of it, and the color.
Double Exposure
Assessment Reflection: I found this assignment very enjoyable. Double exposure is a play on using two opposite colors to accentuate and blend together two different images without becoming confusing or overdone. I chose these colors because I felt they mimicked an old postcard.