
Research and Findings

Topic 4, Assessment 1: Behance

Inspiration is what keeps us moving forward in our lives as photographers, without which we would be akin to the proverbial dog chasing his tail. Looking for inspiration in places like Behance opens up an entirely borderless world that features different photographers and artists with the world as their backdrop.

The first photographer that I found inspiring is Mallory Martin with Classical Photography. These images of a symphony show how musicians can be highlighted and showcased within the entire group of players. He also uses lighting to make a single person standout. The expression he captures within the moment of performance is inspirational. The intensity of the artists and their passion for their outlet – music, radiate from these pictures.

The second photographer who is inspirational to me is Nic Bondarev. I especially like “The Stranger Series” because he uses so little props and lets the persona of the rugged mountain man show through. The colors are all brown and gray tones, even the sky. If adjustments were made with Photoshop they are not obvious. The lighting is great too.

The series shows different scenarios, different actions, and all capture a sense of time gone by.

The last photographer I would like share is Steve Whiteraven. I love his unique take on wildlife stemming from his Native American roots. This image, Roe Deer in Monchrome, shows how this roe was able almost completely to disappear within the surrounding landscape. The black and white make her eyes and ears stand out, drawing you into her world.

This photo of these two Puffins on Lundy Island looks like they are talking and enjoying each other’s company. A truly great photographer can take unusual objects and create an entirely new storyline within the frame of his or her camera.

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