How to Modify an Apron Pattern to Fit a Child

A great way to get your child interesting in cooking is by making an apron that is customized to their smaller size. Simply wrapping a large apron around a small frame is sort of like expecting someone to wear shoes that are too big. so here are some easy tips for making an apron pattern a little bit smaller to fit the chef-in-training.

Matching Kitchen Aprons That Are Great for Parent and Child

When working with patterns, a good method is to design a larger one first and then shrink it down for the smaller person. A simple design for a kitchen apron is one with strings and around the neck, a full front, and a sash to tie around the middle. Here is a simple apron that I designed in this manner.

I encourage people to purchase print material that is not heavy so that it is easy to sew with a sewing machine. Thicker material such as denim is more durable, but if you are not accustomed to working with thicker materials it can be very frustrating to deal with fabric bunching up and breaking needles. So, a simple cotton material is good. There is a wide variety of reprinted fabrics to match whatever interest or color your young chef may be interested in.

Apron with Pockets

An easy addition to any apron is front pockets. In my example, the pockets are of the same material as the sash to provide a contrast. Pockets can be large or small, depending on what you plan to use them for. When using thinner cotton material, like I recommended above, it is better to make smaller pockets so the fabric does not tear over time for too much being stuck in them. When I go outside to use the grill, I find myself even putting bottles of seasonings or marinade in my pockets to save trips back and forth to the kitchen. so, if you desire larger pockets to put heavier things in, then a thicker material should be used for the entire project.

If you are using a pattern with a direction (a top and a bottom) it is important to remember to rotate the material when you cut out the pockets so that the directional objects in the project are pointed in the correct direction. You can see from my apron here, that I missed doing that when I cut out the horse-print pockets.

Resizing Handmade Apron

When resizing the pattern to fit the child, simply measure in from the edge of the pattern about two to four inches, depending on how small you want the final apron to be. Remember to place the sash strings trap higher on the apron to compensate for the shorter person. Another good idea is to replace the single strap around the neck with two strings so that a simple bow can be tied to adjust the apron smaller if needed.

Cooking is a pastime enjoyed by a wide variety of people and it is a necessary skill for children to learn. Making matching handmade aprons is a good way to engage the young mind and show them that you cared so much as to even make an apron for them that was just their size.

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